Results: 7

How did South Africans with disabilities experience COVID-19? Results of an online survey

Background: People with disabilities are a large, disadvantaged minority, comprising approximately 12% of the population. The South African government has ratified international and regional disability treaties but deals with disability rights within general anti-discrimination legislation. There are no ...

Vaccination contre la Covid-19: droits des personnes et obligations du Gouvernement Congolais en période d’urgence sanitaire

Cette étude avait pour objectif de mettre en exergue le rapport entre le bénéfice de la couverture vaccinale contre la Covid-19 et les risques individuels et collectifs encourus par la population. A travers le monde, les études ont monté que les campagnes de vaccination ont insufflé une dynamique p...

A human rights-based approach to coercive public health interventions: lessons from the HIV and COVID-19 pandemics

The SARS-CoV-2 outbreak and its impact on countries across the globe has been unprecedented. The lack of pharmaceutical interventions to prevent or treat infection have left States with limited avenues to control the spread of the virus. Many countries have introduced stringent lockdowns along with regul...

Challenges to ethical integration of reproductive health education in schools of Tshwane District, South Africa

The Integrated School Health Policy was set to ensure the incorporation of a multi-disciplinary approach to health care in South African schools. However, the implementation of sexuality and reproductive health teaching and learning has not been without problems. Central to sexuality and reproductive hea...

A Bioética global e os direitos humanos para o desenvolvimento sustentável
Global Bioethics and human rights for sustainable development

Tomar decisões criticamente fundamentadas entre o que podemos fazer e o que devemos evitar, ou o que é melhor fazer quando surgem alguns dilemas,é crucial para o discernimento ético e político. A legitimidade das decisões humanas sobre as aplicações da ciência e da tecnologia ...

Ecologia integral e trabalhadores imigrantes na pandemia de Covid-19
Integral ecology and immigrant workers in the Covid-19 pandemic

No período da pandemia deCovid-19 um dos grupos mais vulneráveis é aquele composto por trabalhadores imigrantes. Longe de seus países, muitos deles não recebem assistência médica ao mesmo tempo que continuam trabalhando normalmente por desempenharem funções consideradas essenciais. Além di...

Desafios bioéticos na sociedade tecnológica
Bioethical challenges in the technological society

Há 50 anos atrás, Van Rensselaer Potter, considerado pai da Bioética, publicou Bioética: ponte para o futuro. Mesmo sendo uma disciplina relativamente recente, e ainda enfrentando o desafio de consolidar-se, a Bioética deve dar respostas à questões antigas e novas, conforme evidenci...