Results: 2

Troubleshooting obstetric spinal anaesthesia at district hospital level

Obstetric spinal anaesthesia is routinely used in South African district hospitals for caesarean sections, providing better maternal and neonatal outcomes than general anaesthesia in appropriate patients. However, practitioners providing anaesthesia in this context are usually generalists who practise an...

Falciparum malaria and HIV-1 in hospitalized adults in Maputo, Mozambique: does HIV-infection obscure the malaria diagnosis?

Malar. j. (Online); 7 (252), 2008
Background: The potential impact of HIV-1 on falciparum malaria has been difficult to determine because of diagnostic problems and insufficient epidemiological data. Methods: In a prospective, cross-sectional study, clinical and laboratory data was registered consecutively for all adults admitted to a me...