Results: 3

Frequency and pattern of intrauterine hysteroscopic lesions among women coming for IVF in the city of Yaoundé

Health sci. dis; 24 (1), 2023
Background: Hysteroscopy is an essential tool to make intrauterine assessment in infertile patients. Diagnosis and appropriate correction of intrauterine anomalies are considered essential in order to increase chances of conception. Ourobjective was to determine the frequency and pattern of ...

Severity of intrauterine adhesions and pregnancy success rates after treatment: Comparison of adhesions obtained from open myomectomy versus uterine curettage

Intrauterine adhesions (IUA) are rare. A retrospective comparative study was conducted between January 1, 2015, and December 31, 2018. Group A comprised 117 women who developed IUAs after open myomectomy, while Group B comprised 113 women who developed IUAs following uterine trauma caused by uterine inst...

Perception douloureuse et moyens de lutte en hystéroscopie au cabinet
Pain perception and management during office hysteroscopy

Contexte & objectif. L’hystéroscopie a connu des avancées majeures ces dernières à différents points de vue. Elle est passée d’une procédure nécessitant une hospitalisation à une procédure ambulatoire, de même elle a quitté la salle d’opération pour rejoindre le cabinet de consultation...