Results: 10

Sociodemographic factors associated with mixed-feeding practices among a cohort of mothers with infants aged 4 - 14 weeks in Tlokwe subdistrict, North West Province, South Africa

Background. Exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of an infant’s life is the recommended gold standard for infant feeding; however, mixed feeding (MF) is common in various settings. In South Africa (SA), especially in the Tlokwe subdistrict of North West...

Recognition of infants at high risk for vertical HIV transmission at delivery in rural Western Cape Province, South Africa

S. Afr. med. j; 112 (11), 2022
Despite South Africa’s substantial reduction in vertical HIV transmission (VHT), national paediatric HIV elimination is not yet attained. National and Western Cape Province (WC) HIV guidelines recommend enhanced postnatal prophylaxis for infants at high risk for VHT, identified in the WC 2015/2016 guid...

Assessing infant and young child feeding priorities to inform the development of a nutrition social and behaviour change communication (SBCC) strategy during a pandemic threat

Objectives: This study was undertaken to identify stakeholder needs and wants in relation to an Infant and Young Child Feeding, Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) strategy for the 16 Southern African Development Community (SADC) member states during Covid-19 lockdowns and travel restriction...

Delays in HIV-1 infant polymerase chain reaction testing may leave children without confirmed diagnoses in the Western Cape province, South Africa

Background: Early diagnosis and confirmation of HIV infection in newborns is crucial for expedited initiation of antiretroviral therapy. Confirmatory testing must be done for all children with a reactive HIV PCR result. There is no comprehensive data on confirmatory testing and HIV PCR test request rejec...

A retrospective identification of risk factors associated with fetal macrosomia

Afr. j. reprod. health; 26 (7), 2022
Despite extensive work on macrosomia, it is impossible to predict women at risk. Current prediction strategies which include clinical examination and ultrasound are imprecise. This study aims to determine the risk factors associated with macrosomia. It was a descriptive, retrospective chart review of wom...

Pratiques alimentaires et état nutritionnel des nourrissons exposés au VIH dans un centre de santé à Abidjan
Feeding practices and nutritional satus of infants exposed to HIV in a health center in Abidjan

Introduction. L’objectif de notre étude était de décrire les pratiques alimentaires des nourrissons nés de mères infectées par le VIH ainsi que leur état nutritionnel. Méthodes. Il s’agit d’une étude transversale à visée descriptive et analytique sur une période de 2 mois (01 juin au 03...

Incremental impact on malaria incidence following indoor residual spraying in a highly endemic area with high standard ITN access in Mozambique: results from a cluster-randomized study

Malar. j. (Online); 20 (1), 2021
Attaining the goal of reducing the global malaria burden is threatened by recent setbacks in maintaining the effectiveness of vector control interventions partly due to the emergence of pyrethroid resistant vectors. One potential strategy to address these setbacks could be combining indoor residual spray...

Déterminants du risque élevé de transmission du VIH de mère à l’enfant dans quatre hôpitaux du Bénin

Introduction : L’objectif actuel est l’élimination de la transmission du VIH de la mère à l’enfant. Ce travail vise à identifier les déterminants des hauts risques d’exposition au VIH chez les nouveau-nés de mère infectée au VIH. Méthodologie : Il s’agissait d’une étude transversa...

Predictors of Health-Care Utilization Among Children 6-59 Months of Age in Zambézia Province, Mozambique

Am. j. trop. med. hyg; 96 (2), 2017
Abstract. Globally, approximately 5.9 million children under 5 years of age died in 2015, a reduction of over 50% since 1990. Millennium Development Goal 4 established the goal of reducing child mortality by two-thirds by 2015. Multiple countries have surpassed this goal; however, regional and within-cou...

Impacto of maternal human immunodeficiency virus infection on birth outcomes and infant survival in rural moz

Am. j. trop. med. hyg; 89 (8), 2009
We assessed the effect of maternal human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection on birth outcomes and infant survival in rural Mozambique. Pregnant women attending the antenatal clinic were recruited. These women and their infants were followed-up for one year. Birth outcomes were assessed at delivery an...