Results: 3

Prevalence and predictors of ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome among women WHO had undergone controlled ovarian stimulation: a retrospective study at the center for fertility and Reproductive medicine, public invitro fertilization center, ethiopia

BACKGROUND: Infertility affects fifteen percent of couples who wish to conceive. The mainstay of artificial re-productive technologies is in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET), in which aspirated oocytes are fertilized, followed by the trans cervical replacement of an embryo(s) into the ut...

Herbalists’ explanations of infertility: The case of Northern and Southern Ghana

In sub-Saharan Africa, traditional medical practitioners also referred to as herbalists, offer diagnostics and therapeutics for diverse medical conditions irrespective of the cause. Given their traditional role as healers and repository of knowledge about medicinal plants, spirituality, customs and relig...

The social and cultural consequences of infertility in rural and periurban

Afr. j. reprod. health; 26 (7), 2022
Relatively little is known about infertility experiences among women in rural Malawi and the impact of infertility on women’s marital and family relations. This article examines the perspectives of women and health care providers regarding women’s concepts of reproductive health and attitudes toward ...