Results: 2

The neonatal transfer process through the lens of neonatologists at public hospitals in South Africa

Background: Neonatal care is provided by various levels of healthcare facilities in South Africa. Intensive care for neonates is only provided at the higher levels, hence the need for transfers from lower-level to higher-level facilities (e.g. primary hospitals to tertiary hospitals) or across levels of ...

Immediate Seven Day Outcomes and Risk Factors of Low Birth Weight Neonates at Referral Hospitals in Mwanza City, Tanzania in October 2020

Every year more than 20 million neonates worldwide are born with low birth weight (LBW) per year. Ninety-five percent of LBW births occur in developing countries. The aim of this study was to determine Immediate Seven Day Outcomes and Risk Factors of Low Birth Weight Neonates at Referral Hospitals in ...