Results: 3

Les coups et blessures à Conakry: aspects épidémiologiques et médico-légaux
Assault and battery in Conakry: epidemiological and medico- legal aspects

Bénin Médical; (71), 2025
Introduction : Les coups et blessures peuvent se définir comme étant le résultat des agressions physiques portées intentionnellement ou non sur le corps d’autrui. Il y a agression chaque fois qu’un individu ou un groupe d’individus essaye de contraindre un autre individu à se soumettre à ses ...

Family caregiver related factors contributing to role strain among adult patients with cancer at a National Referral Hospital in Kenya: cross-sectional study

Pan Afr. med. j; 49 (), 2024
Introduction: cancer care involves a long-term treatment plan with a demand for continuous care which currently is largely being offered as an outpatient service and worldwide family caregiving is becoming the backbone for long-term care delivery. There is a paucity of information regarding family caregi...

Asymptomatic testing people for SARS-CoV-2 in healthcare facilities: A systematic review

Background: Asymptomatic testing involves the process whereby individuals who do not show symptoms of COVID-19 are tested for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection using any of the available laboratory test techniques. Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of testing asympto...