Results: 18

Facteurs associés à la mortalité maternelle chez les gestantes et accouchées dans la zone de santé de Kisenso: analyse de survie
Factors associated with maternal mortality among pregnant women and women who have recently given birth in the Kisenso health zone: survival analysis

This study examines factors associated with maternal mortality from 01 January 2020 to 31 December 2023 at the general referral hospital and in health centres and maternity units in the Kisenso health zone in the Kinshasa provincial health division. We used advanced statistics, with survival analysis per...

Tendance de la mortalité maternelle au Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire de Constantine entre 2012 et 2017

Contexte et objectifs. Les données sur la tendance de la mortalité maternelle sont fragmentaires en Afrique Subsaharienne. La présente étude avait pour objectif de faire une analyse triennale de l’évolution du taux de mortalité maternelle et identifier les causes de décès. Méthodes : Il s’ag...

Implementation of maternal guidelines for gravid teenagers with hypertensive disorders in KwaZulu-Natal

Curationis; 46 (1), 2023
Background: The worldwide phenomenon of teenage pregnancy among 13–9-year-olds is complicated by obstetric conditions. Among the top three causes of maternal mortality, hypertension is the third in South Africa. Quality maternal care is assured by obstetric practitioners (OPs) implementing guidelines s...

COVID-19 in pregnant women in South Africa: A retrospective review

S. Afr. med. j. (Online); 112 (12), 2022
Background. The majority of maternal deaths in South Africa (SA) occur as a result of non-pregnancy-related infections (NPRI). Pregnancy is a known risk factor in severe COVID-19, increasing the burden of NPRI in SA. In this study, we describe the prevalence, profile and clinical ...

Maternity waiting Home-use and associated factors among mothers in northwest Ethiopia, The application of the integrated behavioral model

Ethiop. j. health dev. (Online); VOL. 36 NO. 2 (2022) (2), 2022
Background:Maternal mortality in Ethiopia is the highest in the world (412/100,000). Health facility delivery is the cornerstone in reducing maternal mortality. However, health facility delivery is low in Ethiopia, due to poor access and ill-equipped health facilities. Maternity waiting h...

Application of a modified Poisson model in identifying factors associated with prevalence of pregnancy termination among women aged 15 – 49 years in Uganda

African Health Sciences; 22 (3), 2022
Background: Abortion in Uganda is illegal, only permitted when it places the pregnant mother at risk. This study aimed to apply the modified Poisson model in identifying factors associated with the prevalence of pregnancy termination among women of reproductive age in Uganda. Methods: The 2016 Uganda De...

Postnatal Care Utilization and Associated Factors among Mothers who gave Birth in the Aysaeta District, Northeast Ethiopia: A Community Based Cross-sectional Study

BACKGROUND: Postnatal care is given to mothers and newborn babies within 42 days of delivery. It is a period of high maternal and newborn mortality and is also the most neglected in terms of maternal health services in many parts of the world. This study aimed to assess postnatal care and associated fact...

Maternity waiting Home-use and associated factors among mothers in northwest Ethiopia, The application of the integrated behavioral model

Background: Data-informed decision making is influenced by organizational, technical, and behavioral factors.Behavioral factors are the major contributing factors for data-informed decision-making practices. This study aimed to explore health workers’ perceptions of data-informed decision making at pri...

Maternity waiting Home-use and associated factors among mothers in northwest Ethiopia, The application of the integrated behavioral model

Maternal mortality in Ethiopia is the highest in the world (412/100,000). Health facility delivery is the cornerstone in reducing maternal mortality. However, health facility delivery is low in Ethiopia, due to poor access and ill-equipped health facilities. Maternity waiting home(MWH)is ...

Unplanned pregnancy among female students at universities in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

Afr. j. reprod. health; 26 (7), 2022
Unplanned pregnancy has adverse effects including unsafe and illegal abortions causing maternal morbidity and mortality. Despite the adverse impact of unplanned pregnancy on women’s personal life, their families, and society, there is a dearth of knowledge on unplanned pregnancy in institutions of high...