Results: 5

The Impact of MLA-NG Conference Attendance on Medical Librarians in Nigeria

Journal of Health Information and Librarianship; Vol. 4 No. 1 (2018) (1), 2018
This study investigated the impact of the Medical Library Association of Nigeria (MLA-NG) conference attendance on medical librarians in Nigeria. The study employed survey design method and questionnaire was used for the data collection. The data obtained were analyzed using tables, frequency...

Job satisfaction and personal factors among medical librarians: empirical evidence from teaching hospitals in southern Nigeria

This study was to provide empirical evidence of areas of job satisfaction among medical librarians, as well as record difference in job satisfaction based on personal factors (sex, age, educational qualification and years of work experience) of medical librarians in Southern Nigeria. The study used the ...

Information needs and information resources availability for nursing students in mission-Owned schools of nursing in Imo state

This study investigated the information needs and information resources availability for nursing students in mission-owned schools of nursing in Imo State. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design and five research questions guided the study. All the 416 second and third year nursing stu...

Creating value-based medical library services through competitive intelligence

Competitive Intelligence is a management tool that enables top executives make smart, successful and strategic decisions thereby minimizing risk, avoiding being short-sighted, and getting it right the first time. The paper is a review on how the medical library can employ competitive intelligen...

Professional library services in federal neuropsychiatric hospital, YABA Lagos

This paper is a review of professional library services in Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Yaba. The paper noted that the important role of Medical Librarians in facilitate access to the medical literature for health professionals and students. Data from the library statistics show there is increase i...