Results: 2

Hématomes intracrâniens post-traumatiques aux Cliniques Universitaires de Kinshasa/République démocratique du Congo: aspects socio-démographiques, radio-cliniques et évolution post-thérapeutique
Post-traumatic intracranial hematomas at Kinshasa University Hospital/ Democratic Republic of Congo: socio-demographic, radio-clinical aspects and post-therapeutic evolution

Context and objective. Brain trauma is the first cause of death among young people and a quarter of victims develop an intracranial hematoma. The objective was to describe the socio-demographic, radiological, clinical and post-therapeutical aspects of patients treated for post-traumatic intracranial hema...

Evaluate the incidence, topography, management, and outcomes in patients with polytrauma in the Suez Canal and Sinai areas

Introduction: The global prevalence of trauma-related mortality ranges from 2% to 32%; however, In Egypt, it reaches 8%. Trauma chiefly affects people in the productive age group; seriously ill patients with multiple injuries present with various levels of polytrauma. Application of incorrect triage syst...