Results: 2

The role of art therapy in neuroscience within the african context: a narrative review with insights from an art therapy session in Kenya

Art therapy has been established as a powerful psychotherapeutic tool that utilizes artistic media to enhance mental and neurological well-being. This has been supported by various neuroimaging and electrophysiological studies which reveal its positive effects on brain function. This review emphasizes a...

Discussão Integrada de Casos Clínicos Usando Plataformas Digitais Durante a Pandemia da COVID-19
Integrated Discussion of Clinical Cases Using Digital Platforms During the COVID-19 pandemic

A pandemia da COVID-19, causada pelo vírus SARS-CoV-2 ou Novo Coronavírus, vem produzindo repercussões não apenas de ordem biomédica e epidemiológica em escala global, como também impactos sociais, económicos, políticos, culturais e históricos sem precedentes na história recente das epidemias,...