Results: 6

Prevalence, pattern and factors associated with workplace violence against healthcare workers in Nigeria: A systematic review

Ibom Medical Journal; 17 (2), 2024
Objective:This study aimed to describe the prevalence, pattern, and predictors of WPVagainst HCWs in Nigeria. Methods:Asystematic review was conducted using pre-defined keywords. The review was performed in line with the PRISMAguidelines on PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus, and Web of Science. The populati...

Occupational health and safety challenges among artisanal and small-scale diamond miners in Kimberley, South Africa

Background: Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) is a laborious process often executed with rudimentary low-technology mining equipment. It exposes miners to a myriad of occupational hazards, which may increase health and safety disparities between them and formally employed mine workers. Objectives: T...

A descriptive, cross-sectional analysis of occupational upper limb injuries at a tertiary trauma centre in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

East Cent Afr J Surg.; 28 (4), 2023
Background: The rise of occupational traumatic upper limb injuries, especially in the developing world, has largely been attributed to industrialisation. Inadequate occupational injury reporting systems and occupational health policies in the sub-Saharan region have resulted in limited research and publi...

Occupational safety and health development and challenges in Ethiopia: a case study of the Hawassa Industrial Park

Background: In Ethiopia, industrial parks that specialise in garment production are increasing in number and have created job opportunities for more than 45 000 workers. However, healthcare services, including occupational safety and health (OSH), are not commensurate with the growth and needs of the ind...

Awareness and utilization of personal protective equipment among small-scale welders in Cross River State, Nigeria: a descriptive cross-sectional study

Babcock Univ. Med. J; 4 (1), 2021
Objective:Rapid urbanization and industrialization in the many low-and middle-income countries means that there is a growing demand for the welding industry. Previous studies in Nigeria, and other low-and middle-income countries have reported a significant discrepancy between awaren...

Occupational hazards encountered by library personnel in universities in south-south, Nigeria

Occupational hazards affect personnel safety and health in the work environment. This study investigated the occupational hazards encountered among library personnel in two universities in South South Nigeria; Delta State University, Abraka and Niger Delta University, Ammasoma. 182 library personnel part...