Results: 3

From External to Local: Opportunities and Lessons Learned from Transitioning COMSA-Mozambique

Am. j. trop. med. hyg; 108 (5), 2023
Donor transitions, where externally funded programs transfer to country ownership and management, are increasingly common. The Countrywide Mortality Surveillance for Action - Mozambique (COMSA) project established a nationwide surveillance system capturing vital events at the community level with funding...

The development of a digital NGO mapping platform in Tanzania, as a tool to strengthen civil society engagement, in pursuit of Universal Health Coverage

Pan Afr. med. j; 46 (), 2023
The role of civil society in economic development, improving livelihoods and in providing pathways towards achieving health for all has become increasingly evident. By mapping these organizations, the scope and scale as well as existing capacities, gaps, and opportunities are brought to light. This paper...

Challenges of caregivers providing care to children with disabilities at non-governmental organisations in Tshwane townships, South Africa

Caregivers of children with disabilities are vital stakeholders when it comes to safeguarding the health, well-being and overall survival of the children that they care for. Caregivers, however, face many challenging conditions that make it difficult for them to optimally fulfil their caregiving role. Un...