Results: 5

Awareness of malocclusion and attitude towards orthodontic treatment among trainee dental surgery technicians in Nigeria

Ibom Medical Journal; 17 (1), 2024
Objective: Malocclusion affects aesthetics, the physical, psychological and social life of a person. The aim of this study was to evaluate the awareness of malocclusion and attitude towards orthodontic treatment among trainee dental surgery technicians in Nigeria. Materials and Methods: This was a descri...

Tanaka-Johnston’s mixed dentition analysis among orthodontic patients in Tanzania

Med. j. Zambia; 50 (4), 2023
Background: Lower incisors are the first teeth to erupt, their sizes are reliable and little changes occur on the lower arch during mixed dentition. These teeth can be used to predict the size of remaining unerupted teeth. Tanaka Johnston's analysis is the most widely used method of mixed dentition analy...

Les avulsions dentaires au cours du traitement orthodontique à Conakry

En orthodontie, l’extraction des dents saines tient une place importante parmi les moyens thérapeutiques, pour le rétablissement d’une denture fonctionnelle et esthétique. Objectifs : les objectifs étaient de déterminer la fréquence des avulsions au cours du traitement orthodontique, répertori...

Prevalence of incidental dental anomalies seen on pre-treatment digital panoramic radiographs of a group of Nigerian orthodontic patients: A retrospective study

Background: Radiographs are used by orthodontists in the diagnosis of malocclusion, treatment planning and monitoring. These usually reveal presence of dental anomalies that may require further assessment and management. Objective: To investigate the prevalence, types and distribu...

Skeletal maturation pattern among Down Syndrome individuals in Benin, City. Nigeria

Background: The assessment of skeletal maturity is important in the timing of orthodontic treatment especially in the modification of dento-facial growth. The use of cervical vertebrae as a method of assessment of skeletal maturity has rarely been used among Down Syndrome. Objective: To assess skele...