Results: 96

Psychological distress among South African healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic

Curationis; 47 (1), 2024
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has placed immense pressure on healthcare workers (HCWs). Objectives: This study sought to find the prevalence and factors associated with psychological distress among HCWs in South Africa during the beginning phases of COVID-19 and make relevant recommendations. Method:...

Prevalence and determinants of burnout among South African doctors during the COVID-19 pandemic

Background: Burnout, resulting from chronic workplace stress that has been unsuccessfully managed, has previously been documented in doctors. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has increased occupational challenges faced by doctors, potentiating their risk for burnout. Aim: This study aimed...

Complications following COVID-19 infection or vaccination in Libyan International Medical University students and their Families

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by a novel strain of coronavirus belonging to the genus Beta coronavirus named Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) emerged as a major pandemic worldwide. This contagious virus had spread in many different forms, and patients have demonst...

Need for standardization and compliance to treatment protocols for COVID-19 within the African Region of the World Health Organization

COVID-19 pandemic changed the face of global health and brought about new issues in global health security and economy. The World Health Organization published guidelines for clinical management of COVID-19 four months after declaration of COVID-19 as a pandemic. Scholarly reviews and studies from member...

In-Hospital continuous medical education during the COVID-19 pandemic

Ibom Medical Journal; 17 (2), 2024
Background:The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a highly contagious disease as it is spread by contact with infected surfaces and inhalation of droplets. Several measures have been put in place to prevent the COVID-19 infection one of which is social distancing and physical distancing. Some in-hosp...

Refus et hésitation vis-à-vis de la vaccination anti-COVID-19 à Douala, Cameroun
Refusal and hesitation regarding vaccination against COVID-19 in Douala, Cameroon

Pan Afr. med. j; 48 (), 2024
Introduction: la vaccination est l'une des stratégies recommandées par l'organisation mondiale de la santé pour réduire le poids de la COVID-19. Cependant, de nombreux pays africains comme le Cameroun présentent de faibles couvertures vaccinales anti-COVID19. Cette étude avait pour objectif d'étud...

Understanding the impacts of the COVID-19 response measures on deaf adults in Cape Town

Background: International literature has evidenced that Deaf people have been disadvantaged during the COVID-19 pandemic; however, there is currently little research published within the South African context. Objectives: This study investigated the ways in which the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequent ...

Facteurs associés à l’acceptation du vaccin anti-COVID-19 parles professionnels de santé de la région de l’ouest du Cameroun
Factors associated with Covid-19 vaccines acceptance among health care professionals in the West Region of Cameroon

Introduction.Plusieurs hésitations ont été observées dans la population en général et parmi les professionnels de santé en particulier concernant la vaccination COVID-19. L'objectif de cette étude était de déterminer les facteurs associés à l'acceptation du vaccin COVID-19 parm...

The Lagos state COVID-19 think-tank, a potential framework for decision-making in a pandemic Era

Ann. afr. med; 23 (3), 2024
Lagos state remains the epicenter of COVID‑19 infection in Nigeria. To facilitate the emergency preparedness and response to COVID‑19, the State Governor and Incident Commander constituted a Think Tank comprising 13 experts from various disciplines committed to the health of the public. The Think T...

Knowledge, attitude, and perception on COVID-19 vaccine acceptance: cross-sectional study among Eritrean refugees in Kampala

Pan Afr. med. j; 49 (), 2024
Introduction: the impact of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on public health has been significant and wide-ranging. It has led to widespread illness, strain on healthcare systems, and various public health measures to control its spread. Several pharmaceutical companies, researchers, and scientists h...