Results: 2

The characterization of a hospitalized population at the pediatric emergency service of mother and child hospital, Marrakech, Morocco

Pan Afr. med. j; 43 (), 2022
Introduction: the pediatric emergency department is the first contact between the population and the hospital. Consequently, its dysfunction influences the quality of general health care. However, any successful policy must first be based on convincing results hence the need to better explore this servic...

Bourse aiguë de l’enfant en chirurgie pédiatrique du chu Gabriel touré
Acute bursa of the child in pediatric surgery at the teaching hospital Gabriel Touré

Mali Médical; 28 (3), 2022
La bourse aiguë est une urgence médico-chirurgicale de part ses nombreuses étiologies menaçant le pronostic fonctionnel des testicules et leurs annexes. Objectifs : Identifier les causes des bourses aiguës de l’enfant et décrire leurs aspects cliniques et thérapeutiques. Matériels et méthode :...