Results: 2

Evaluation par régression logistique binaire de déterminants de la mortalité néonatale dans la province du Kongo Central
Evaluation by binary logistic regression of determinants of neonatal mortality in the Kongo Central province]

Neonatal mortality disturbs the whole of humanity. Its frequency remains very high throughout the world, but more so in developing countries. The DRC is ranked among the countries with the highest number of neonatal deaths in the world with the ratio of 47 per 1000 live births, (Kalonji DC et al 2018). I...

Contraceptive acceptability and associated factors among young women (15-24) living with HIV/AIDS: a hospital-based study in Kampala, Uganda

African Health Sciences; 22 (1), 2022
introduction: In Uganda, over 43% of all pregnancies among young women (15-24 years) living with HIV are either unwanted or mistimed. Unintended pregnancies account for 21.3% of neonatal HIV infections. The objective was to determine acceptability of contraceptives and associated factors among young wome...