Results: 3

Factors Associated with Failed Contraception in Women Attending Level One Hospitals in Lusaka, Zambia

Med. j. Zambia; 49 (2), 2022
Background: Unintended pregnancy is a major public health concern due to its impact on maternal morbidity and mortality. Contraceptive failure is one of the causes of unintended pregnancy. Data on factors associated with contraceptive method failure is scarce. This study therefore aimed to explore facto...

Factors influencing utilization of modern family planning services by persons living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus at Luwero Hospital, Uganda

African Health Sciences; 22 (3), 2022
Introduction: The use of modern family planning methods is key for achieving the prevention of unintended pregnancies among women living with HIV, in the prevention of Mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) package. The purpose of this study was to examine the factors influencing the utilization of modern ...

Unplanned pregnancy among female students at universities in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

Afr. j. reprod. health; 26 (7), 2022
Unplanned pregnancy has adverse effects including unsafe and illegal abortions causing maternal morbidity and mortality. Despite the adverse impact of unplanned pregnancy on women’s personal life, their families, and society, there is a dearth of knowledge on unplanned pregnancy in institutions of high...