Results: 12

Evaluation of maternal and perinatal outcomes in pregnancy with preeclampsia at Aljala Maternity Hospital

Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) accounts for 18% of maternal deaths worldwide, with an estimated number of about 62, 000–77, 000 deaths occur each year. The current study aimed to assess maternal and perinatal outcomes of pregnancies complicated by hypertension in Aljala Maternity Hospital. A...

Devenir périnatal issu des grossesses rapprochées étude retrospective Marocaine

Pan Afr. med. j; 44 (NA), 2023
Introduction: déterminer les complications périnatales associées aux grossesses rapprochées. Méthodes: une étude cas-témoin rétrospective menée du 1er juin 2020 au 1er juin 2021 au centre hospitalier provincial de Settat. Au total, 670 patients ont été recrutés. Six cent trente personnes ont ...

Implementation of maternal guidelines for gravid teenagers with hypertensive disorders in KwaZulu-Natal

Curationis; 46 (1), 2023
Background: The worldwide phenomenon of teenage pregnancy among 13–9-year-olds is complicated by obstetric conditions. Among the top three causes of maternal mortality, hypertension is the third in South Africa. Quality maternal care is assured by obstetric practitioners (OPs) implementing guidelines s...

Risk factors for preeclampsia and eclampsia in Sidama region, southern Ethiopia: a nested case-control study

PAMJ - One Health; 9 (NA), 2022
Introduction: though Ethiopia has made a significant improvement in the reduction of maternal mortality, the high burden of preeclampsia remains a concern in the Sidama region of southern Ethiopia. This study aimed to determine the risk factors for preeclampsia and eclampsia in the Sidama region of south...

Association of socioeconomic status with adverse birth outcomes at the Women and Newborn Hospital of the University Teaching Hospitals in Lusaka, Zambia

Background: Low socioeconomic status has generally been associated with adverse birth outcomes worldwide. Adverse birth outcomes significantly contribute to perinatal morbidity and mortality worldwide with some literatures showing conflicting results. At Women and New-born Hospital in Zambia, this relati...

Maternal outcomes among HIV positive pregnant mothers and birth outcomes of HIV exposed newborns in Nyahururu County Referral Hospital, Kenya

Afr. j. health sci; 35 (3), 2022
Background Approximately 37 million people were living with HIV by the end of 2015. This led to high morbidity and mortality among women of childbearing age, especially in SubSaharan Africa which was the epicentre of this global pandemic. Strengthening and implementing prevention of mother-to-child (PMTC...

The magnitude of episiotomy among women who gave birth in Ethiopia: Systematic review and meta-analysis

Episiotomy is one of the most common obstetric procedures done by health providers putting the client at high risk of developing complications and lacerations. These days, episiotomy has been done at an alarming rate in Ethiopia as compared to the slant set by World Health Organization. Be that as it may...

Women’s experiences and perceptions on the impacts of maternal near miss and related complications in Rwanda: A qualitative study

Maternal morbidity and mortality continue to emerge across the globe especially in lower-income countries. This study aimed at exploring in-depth perceptions of near-miss experiences among Rwandan women and how these experiences can be used to develop strategies for health policy implementation. Using q...

Mortalité maternelle chez les adolescentes au service de Gynécologie-Obstétrique de l’Hôpital National Ignace Deen
Maternal mortality among adolescents in the Gynecology-Obstetrics department of Ignace Deen National Hospital

Introduction. L’objectif de cette étude était de contribuer à l’étude de la mortalité maternelle chez les adolescentes. Méthodes. Il s’agissait d’une étude retro-prospective descriptive et analytique cas témoin, d’une durée de trois ans. La collecte rétrospective avait porté sur deux...

Perinatal Outcomes of Newborns by Women Presenting with Maternal Complications in Pregnancy at a County Referral Hospital in Lower Eastern Kenya

BACKGROUND Maternal complications during pregnancy and labor have been the leading cause of maternal and neonatal death globally. The aim of the study was to observe and compare the differences in the perinatal outcomes of newborns born to women with maternal complications to those born to women witho...