Results: 6

Perceptions des personnels médicaux et para-médicaux sur la gestion des déchets biomédicaux
Perceptions of medical and para-medical personnel on biomedical waste management

Medical waste management is a global public health concern. Our study consisted of determining the perceptions of medical and paramedical stakeholders on the management of biomedical waste. To collect the data we needed for this study, we used the survey method, as an instrument we used a questionnaire. ...

Hyperuricémie et syndrome métabolique chez l’adulte à Kisangani en République Démocratique du Congo

Introduction: Hyperuricemia, a metabolic disorder associated with other criteria of the metabolic syndrome, is a cardiovascular risk factor and a factor in the deterioration of renal function such as diabetes mellitus and hypertension. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between...

Standards and regimentations of biosafety and biosecurity in medical biology laboratories in Togo, 2021

Legal instruments are necessary for the regulation of programs such as the biosafety and biosecurity (BSS) system in a country, yet little information is available in this sector in Togo. The study conducted aimed to take an analytical look at the normative and regulatory environment of biosafety and bio...

Quest to Improve Management of Prostate Cancer in West Africa Development of a Clinical Audit Tool

West Afr. j. med; 39 (11), 2022
In 2010 and during the following decade, two guidelines werepublished for the management of prostate cancer in West Africa.A key recommendation of the guidelines was the need for thedevelopment of a Clinical Audit Tool which should helpsurgeons and institutions to identify the gaps between...

Testers’ compliance to the quality standards of HIV rapid testing services in Primary Health Care Facilities in Makete District, Tanzania

Background: HIV rapid testing services is one among key interventions in the controlling of HIV/AIDS. Despite availability of quality standards, the quality of HIV rapid testing services remains questionable since non-laboratory testers are allowed to conduct testing while they are not specialized in pro...

Effect of Grewia gum on the mechanical properties of Paracetamol tablet formulations

Grewia gum has been evaluated as a binder in paracetamol tablet formulations. Compressional properties of the formulations were analyzed using density measurements and the compression equations of Heckel and Kawakita as assessment parameters. Formulations containing Grewia gum as a binder show a slower o...