Results: 3

Effects of gender and seasonal variation on the prevalence of bacterial septicemia among young children in Benin city, Nigeria

Libyan j. med; 4 (3), 2009
Aim: To determine the effects of gender and seasonal variations on the prevalence of bacterial septicaemia among children 5 years and younger; and to identify the bacterial agents responsible for septicaemia and their antibiotic susceptibility profiles. Methods: Blood was collected from 1;724 children (9...

Malaria in rural Mozambique. Part II: children admitted to hospital

Malar. j. (Online); 7 (37), 2008
Background: Characterization of severe malaria cases on arrival to hospital may lead to early recognition and improved management. Minimum community based-incidence rates (MCBIRs) complement hospital data, describing the malaria burden in the community. Methods: A retrospective analysis of all admitted m...

Seasonal variations in maternal mortality in Maputo, Mozambique: the role of malaria

Trop. med. int. health; 12 (1), 2007
Objective: To evaluate the impact of malaria on maternal death through the analysis of the seasonal variations of crude and malaria-specific maternal mortality rates. Methods: All maternal deaths and live births occurring at Maputo Central Hospital, located in an urban area, between January 2001 and Dece...