Results: 3

Choc hémorragique péri-opératoire au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Androva, Mahajanga, Madagascar

Introduction : Le choc hypovolémique est une défaillance circulatoire aiguë et critique, mettant rapidement en jeu le pronostic vital. L’objectif de l’étude était de déterminer les aspects épidémio-cliniques et la prise en charge du choc hémorragique periopéraoire au centre hospitalier de M...

Causes de décès en milieu de réanimation polyvalente au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Analakininina, Madagascar

Background: Intensive Care Unit unit is taking care the serious patients whose vital prognosis is engaged. Death remains the main fear of those patients who are admitted to intensive care. The main objective of our study was to identify the causes of death in the intensive care unit at the Analakininina ...

Consensual coital vaginal laceration in hypovolaemic shock: A report of two cases

Ibom Medical Journal; 15 (2), 2022
Background:Certain life-threatening complications and morbidities may occur following consensual sexual intercourse which may not be commonly experienced in clinical practice. One of such complications is hypovolaemic shock resulting from profuse bleeding.AbstractMethods:Two cases of vaginal laceration c...