Results: 2

Thoracic trauma in national hospital Abuja, Nigeria: The epidemiology, injury severity and initial management options

Background: Trauma is the leading cause of death in individuals between the ages of 1 and 44 years and it is the third commonest cause of death regardless of age. Thoracic trauma is a relatively common cause of preventable death among trauma patients. The spectrum of injuries after blunt chest trauma pre...

Correlation of Vitamin D deficiency with chest X-rays severity scores and different inflammatory markers in severe and critical COVID-19 patients

Ghana med. j; 56 (4), 2022
Objective: To determine the relationship between Vitamin D deficiency with Chest X-Rays severity score and Different Inflammatory Markers in Severe and Critical COVID-19 Patients. Design: A cross-sectional study Setting: The study was conducted in COVID-19 isolation units at Mardan Medical Complex Teachi...