Results: 3

Anterior Teeth Measurement among Subjects in the University of Port Harcourt as a Sex Indicator and Aid to Maxillofacial Reconstruction

Background: The aim of this study is to determine sexual dimorphism using anterior teeth measurements and its use as an ancillary tool for sexual determination. Methods:In this study, the measurements of the anterior teeth were carried out on one hundred and forty students (80M: 60F) of the University...

Manifestations cliniques et traitements des diastemes chez les personnes adultes à l’hopital national Donka
Clinical manifestations and treatments of diastemas among people adults at hospital national Donka

Le diastème du grec diastèmà (interstice) se définit comme étant l’existence d’espace entre les dents d’une même arcade. Les objectifs de l’étude étaient de déterminer le profil épidémiologique des diastèmes; décrire les formes cliniques rencontrées, assurer une prise en charge. PAT...

Adjunctive orthodontic management of a missing upper right central incisor in a 12-year-old male using a fixed orthodontic appliance

This article presents a successful orthodontic management of a 12-year-old male using a fixed orthodontic appliance (straight wire technique). His orthodontic treatment was hinged on creating enough space to accept an artificial tooth, correcting the horizontal and vertical relationships of the upper inc...