Results: 2

Teeth avulsion secondary to oro-tracheal intubation in a tertiary healthcare facility: a case series

Nigerian Dental Journal; 30 (2), 2022
General anaesthesia using endo-tracheal intubation, carried out to provide pain- free, surgical and medical procedures, sometimes results in Traumatic Dental Injuries [TDIs]. Among the rarely reported TDI complication is tooth avulsion. We present two cases of such complications, factors which can be res...

Awareness, Knowledge and Attitude Towards Pre-Hospital Tooth Avulsion Care Among Primary School Teachers in BeninCity, Nigeria

Traumatic tooth avulsion presents a challenge with regards to its prompt intervention as the ultimate outcome of an avulsed tooth that occurred in any child is dependent on appropriate emergency interventions. The aim of this study is to evaluate the awareness, level of knowledge and attitude towards pre...