Results: 8

Contributory factors related to patient safety incidence: A nursing perspective

Background: There are growing concerns about patient safety and quality assurance enhancement in the healthcare setting because of the increase in the incidence of patient harm and adverse events over the years. Aim: This study explored the contributory factors associated with patient safety practices. S...

The application of sigma metrics in the laboratory to assess quality control processes in South Africa

Objective: This study aimed to determine the sigma metrics of analytes when using different total allowable error guidelines.Methods: A retrospective analysis was performed on 19 general chemistry analytes at Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital in South Africa between January 2017 and Decembe...

A structured approach to effective mentoring of women health researchers in Africa

Ghana med. j; 56 (3 suppl), 2022
Objectives: To formatively evaluate the HIGHER Women consortium’s Mentor Protégée Program (MPP) and derive lessons for successful African women scientist mentorship. Design: Desk review of program documents and cross-sectional surveys of mentors and protégées. Setting: All 10 regions of Cameroon Pa...

Level of health data quality and information use, and contributing factors in the Benishangul Gumuze Region, west Ethiopia: using social ecological framework

Background: Creating responsibility for quality healthcare data and utilization are among the basic functions of leadership. While the benefits of data quality and use are well known, the evidence around the role of healthcare information systems leadership and governance in sustaining data demand and us...

Testers’ compliance to the quality standards of HIV rapid testing services in Primary Health Care Facilities in Makete District, Tanzania

Background: HIV rapid testing services is one among key interventions in the controlling of HIV/AIDS. Despite availability of quality standards, the quality of HIV rapid testing services remains questionable since non-laboratory testers are allowed to conduct testing while they are not specialized in pro...

The Quality of Medical RecordsManagementin Public Health Facilities inthe Jimma Zone, Oromia Regional state, Southwest Ethiopia

Background:Comprehensive medical records are the cornerstones forthe quality and efficiency of patient care, as they can provide a complete and accurate chronology of treatments, patient results, and plans for care. The study aimed to assess the quality of medical records in public health facilities in t...

Nigeria vaccine policy

Vaccines are recognised globally for their importance in the reduction of vaccines preventable diseases to improve the quality of life of the entire population. The importance of vaccines has been further demonstrated with the COVID-19 outbreak with countries scrambling to produce vaccines to combat the ...