Results: 2

Sonographic correlations between intravesical prostatic protrusion and bladder outlet obstruction in patients with symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia in Ibadan, Nigeria

Evaluating bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) in patients with prostatic enlargement may reflect the severity of the disease and aid in predicting the treatment outcome. Objectives: To determine the sonological correlation between intravesical prostatic protrusion and bladder outlet obstruction in patient...

Menstrual hygiene management in public high schools in Ghana

African Health Sciences; 22 (1), 2022
in the ten (10) regions of Ghana. The findings showed that most girls in Public Senior High Schools in Ghana had prior knowledge about menstruation from their mothers and sisters prior to menarche. It was revealed that majority of the girls mentioned hormones as the cause of menstruation, whilst others m...