Health librarians making a difference in a health care setting: the Chitambo emergency care communications project

Journal of Health Information and Librarianship; 5 (1), 2020
Publication year: 2020

Health librarians in the role of a knowledge broker can encourage health care workers to use evidence based health information. The knowledge broker role is an intervention dedicated to translating knowledge into action originating from the evidence-based medicine campaign. The Chitambo Emergency Care Communications Project through its knowledge component work strand has visualisations of converting knowledge into action to improve emergency care response by health workers, through the implementation of the knowledge broker role for health care workers in Chitambo district, Central Zambia. Implementation of the knowledge broker activity for Chitambo adopted a framework purposefully designed to build capacity for health librarians by the National Health Service Education for Scotland. The knowledge to action model can be useful in providing the relevant information to improve patient outcomes for healthcare workers. These knowledge gaps can be alleviated by knowledge brokering as it straddles through any knowledge gaps between the health workers’ knowledge and their service delivery practice.

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