Socio-demographic variables as predictors of accessibility, utilization, and preference for reproductive health information sources among undergraduate students in Nigerian universities

Journal of Health Information and Librarianship; 3 (1), 2016
Publication year: 2016

This study examined socio-demographic variables as predictors of accessibility, utilization and preference for reproductive health information sources among undergraduate students in Nigerian universities. The study adopted a survey research design. A sample of 2615 undergraduate students was drawn from six conventional federal universities in the six geopolitical zones in Nigeria. Data were collected using the questionnaire. Of the 2615 copies of questionnaire distributed, 1615 usable copies of the questionnaire were returned, giving 62% return rate. Result of Regression analysis revealed that the seven independent variables jointly predicted accessibility to reproductive health information sources, utilization of reproductive health information sources, preference for reproductive health information sources and knowledge of reproductive health among undergraduate students. The study concluded that strategies aimed at the provision of access to reproductive health information to young people may be more effective if their socio-demographic characteristics are factored into such interventions.

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