The effect of CAM comprehensive nursing interventionsontheimprovement of quality of life to patients with breast cancer and gynaecological tumours

Ethiop. j. health dev. (Online); 36 (2), 2022
Publication year: 2022


Breastcancerin females, which is consideredthe most dreadfuldisease in India andthe worldas compared toother gynaecological cancers,demands extensive care and proper medicationin order to control itsprogressive growth. In addition to the conventional care ofthe patients, Complementary andAlternative Medicine(CAM)is administeredin a controlled way through proper guidance and counselling in orderto attainimprovedphysical andmental health forthe patients.


The aim of the study wasto assess the effectiveness of CAMcomprehensive nursing interventionsand their benefit forpatients who havebreast cancer and gynaecological tumours.


Statistical data was used to map the adult womendiagnosed with breast and gynaecological cancer and who were set to start new chemotherapy treatments. A total of 450 patients from different states of East India were enrolled in the studyover a period of four years. The patients wereselectedbased on their preference for undergoing CAM.The research was conducted usingacross-sectionalanonymous self-administered questionnaireto examine women's perspectivestowards the use of CAM and itseffect on their mental andphysical health.


42%of the women preferred theuseofCAM astheir alternative treatment. Breast cancer patients disclosed that 48.1% of them had used CAM and 39% of women with gynaecological cancersstated that they had usedCAM. The results further indicated a less frequent deteriorationin the health of CAM users(38.4%) thantonon-users(55%). In terms of those who utilizedvitamins and nutritional diets,60% of the participants reported using a proper diet, including antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and herbs etc. 37% opted for spiritual healing through yoga, 26% utilized energy healing, 42.4% utilized acupuncture,72% preferred massagesand 23% of patients utilized chiropractic methods.The use of CAM was foundmainlyin the patients with proper education and awareness and those with a family history of cancer who were not receiving the necessary care from their previous primary physician.


CAM still requiresextensive research in terms of its applications in dealing with patients and in orderto successfully launch programmes aimed at promoting its useworldwide andto eradicate all the other false notions about it.[Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 2022; 36(2):000-000]

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