Afr. j. health sci; 35 (3), 2022
Publication year: 2022
Cervical cancer is the fourth most fatal and common disease globally among women
of reproductive age in Kenya; it ranks the second most frequent type of cancer after breast
cancer. Due to the high burden, cryotherapy treatment services, which are effective for the
treatment of precancerous lesions are available in selected health facilities in Kenya,
however, barriers to the treatment services are poorly understood. Nonetheless,
understanding these barriers is critical for enhanced service delivery.
A descriptive facility-based cross-sectional study design was carried out to
determine the barriers to cryotherapy treatment services among 60 women of reproductive
age on a one-year therapy at Migosi Sub County Hospital in Western Kenya. The
participants were selected purposively and interviewed via telephone calls using pre-coded
semi-structured questionnaires. However, data from 5 nurses working in the cryotherapy
section were collected through face-to-face interviews at the health facility. Data were
entered in an excel sheet and then exported to SPSS version 23.0 for analysis. Both
descriptive and inferential statistics (Chi-square) were used and data were presented in
form of tables. RESULTS :
Overall, 52 (85.4%) respondents adhered to post-care treatment instructions and reported no adverse reactions. However, 28 (46.7%) experienced unavailability of cryotherapy services at the time of the appointment and got the services later, 24 (40%) got the services at the time of the appointment but waited for a long time before being served, 37 (61.7%) did not know why they were being treated and 46 (76.7%) had misconceptions and myths about the therapy. In addition, there was a statistically significant association between knowing both the benefits of screening and cryotherapy [X 2 (1, N = 60) = 5.90, p = .02]. Also, the knowledge of the benefits of cryotherapy did not influence one’s decision to wait for cryotherapy treatment services, [X 2(1, N = 60) = 3.98, p = .46].
The study shows very good adherence to post-treatment instruction but inadequate availability of cryotherapy treatment services. Also, the misconceptions and myths about cryotherapy are public health concerns. Therefore, the study recommends improved
awareness campaigns and service delivery for the enhanced uptake of cryotherapy
treatment services.