Fighting COVID-19 and HIV through community mobilisation: lessons from an integrated approach to the Africa CDC Partnership to Accelerate COVID-19 Testing (PACT) initiative in seven countries
Afr. j. AIDS res. (Online); 21 (2), 2022
Publication year: 2022
Recent literature has shown how the HIV architecture, including community systems, has been critical for fighting COVID-19 in many countries, while sustaining the HIV response. Innovative initiatives suggest that fostering the integration of health services would help address the colliding pandemics. However, there are few documented real-life examples of community mobilisation strategies responding to COVID-19 and HIV. The African Union and
Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) launched the Partnership to Accelerate COVID-19 Testing (PACT) in june 2020 with the goal of training and deploying one million community health workers across the continent. UNAIDS partnered with Africa CDC to implement the PACT initiative in seven countries, i.e. Algeria, Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon, Ghana, Madagascar, Malawi and Namibia. The initiative engaged networks of people living
with HIV and community-led organisations to support two of its pillars, test and trace, and the sensitisation to protective measures against COVID-19 for the most vulnerable populations. It later expanded to improve access to COVID-19 vaccines. Based on the assessment of country projects, this article explains how PACT activities implemented by communities contributed to mitigating COVID-19 and HIV among vulnerable and marginalised groups. This article contributes to a better understanding of the impact of a community-based approach in responding effectively to emerging health threats and provides lessons from integrated COVID-19 and HIV community-led responses.