Knowledge and Attitude towards Pregnancy Care and Delivery among Male Commercial Motorcyclists in Ibadan, Nigeria

Ibom Medical Journal15; 15 (3), 2022
Publication year: 2022


Men’s influences are gradually being recognised in pregnancy and delivery care. The study aims to determine the knowledge and attitude of male commercial motorcyclists on pregnancy care and delivery of women.

Materials and Methods:

This cross-sectional study was conducted among married male commercial motorcyclists, operating in Ibadan North Local Government Area selected using a cluster sampling technique. Data was collected using a pre-tested, structured interviewer-administered questionnaire, and analysed using SPSS version 16. Each section was evaluated using rating of a three-point Likert scale with each item scored based on responses ranging from disagree to agree. Results were presented in tables and charts.


Four hundred and fifty three male commercial motorcyclists were interviewed. The mean age was 34.2±7.3years, 301 (66.4%) had secondary education, while 390 (86.1%) were in a monogamous marriage. Thirty 30(6.6%) respondents did not know when their wives registered for ANC while majority, 444(98.1%) did not know the duration of their wives’ labour. Few respondents 46 (10.2%) recognized vaginal bleeding as a common danger signs in pregnancy while 277 (61.1%) agree that women should have at least four ANC visits before delivery. Many of the respondents 315 (69.6%) had good knowledge, and 304 (67.1%) had positive attitude towards antenatal and delivery care.


Educational efforts on maternal health care should also focus on the men to improve their knowledge, attitude and involvement in antenatal and pregnancy.

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