Challenges of caregivers and needs of children with parents in a Nigerian prison

Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics; 49 (3), 2022
Publication year: 2022

Separation of a parent from the family as a result of incarceration has both short-term and term effects on the family, even after release from prison. This study is a report of factors and challenges of the family left to adapt to the changed circumstances of separation from parent(s) who are incarcerated.


This was a cross sectional study carried out on 89 cares-givers of children whose parents are incarcerated at the Agodi prison, Ibadan who gave informed and written consent to interview their families.


Most caregivers had little or no formal education (69.7%) and 67.4% are into petty trading or subsistence farming. A majority of the caregivers reported the need of schooling (85.4%), provision of food (84.3%) and medical care (71.9%) as major challenges, only 25% received any form of support to meet these needs. Twenty-nine (32.6%) respondents reported receiving financial support to provide for the child’s feeding. Some caregivers 21 (23.6%), obtained loans to cope with the financial needs of the children while only 3 (3.4%) received support from family or other non-

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