Impact of the use of surfactant and Nasal CPAP in the reduction of mortality among very low birth weight preterm babies in Ile-Ife, southwestern Nigeria

Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics; 49 (3), 2022
Publication year: 2022

Respiratory distress syndrome causes significant morbidity and death especially among very low birth weight babies. Though the use of CPAP and surfactant have been shown to improve survival, these interventions were scarcely available in the past. This study aimed at comparing the clinical outcomes of preterm babies with RDS delivered at the Ife Hospital Unit of the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex at two different periods.


To compare the birth weight specific mortality rates and overall mortality rates of preterm babies with RDS between two periods in the neonatal ward of the Ife Hospital Unit of OAUTHC.


A retrospective study comparing outcomes of 92 babies with RDS at GA 26 to 33+6 weeks between January 2015 and May 2016 and managed with intranasal oxygen alone to 104 babies of same gestational age characteristics between January 2019 and May 2020 who were managed with CPAP/surfactant.


The mean weight and gestational age of the babies respectively were 1.36 (±0.37) kg and 31.14 (±2.3) weeks in 2015/2016 and 1.35 (±0.322) kg and 30.95 (±2.24) weeks in 2019/2020. The overall case fatality rate and birth-weight specific mortality rates for ELBW, VLBW and LBW were 33.7%, 62.5%, 35.2% and 9.1% in 2015/2016 and 18.3%, 58.3%, 15.5% and 9.7% respectively in 2019/2020.


While the use of CPAP and the administration of surfactant clearly show improved survival among very low birth weight babies who are at increased risk of death from RDS, this was not the case for extreme low birth weight babies

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