The Quality of Logistics Management Information System and the Availability of Tracer Drugs at Health Posts in Rural Ethiopia: A Mixed-Method Study

Ethiop. j. health sci; 33 (1), 2023
Publication year: 2023


Proper implementation of the logistics management information system (LMIS) would facilitate access to essential pharmaceutical products. It also prevents wastage at health posts. The aim of this study was to assess the implementation of the LMIS and the availability of tracer drugs at health posts in rural Ethiopia.


We employed a cross-sectional descriptive design with a mixed-method approach. The data used for this paper was collected from March to May 2019 as part of the National HEP assessment. The study involved 343 health posts randomly selected from nine regions of Ethiopia. Women’s Development Army members and household heads participated in the qualitative study (i.e. in FGD and KII). The quantitative data were exported from Open Data Kit (ODK) to Stata 15.1 for statistical analysis, and the qualitative data were entered into NVivo 12 and analyzed using thematic content analysis.


Of the health posts, 59.4% had a space for storing drugs; less than half (41.9%; 95% confidence interval (CI) [36%, 48%]) had a functioning refrigerator. The mean percentage of the availability of selected tracer drugs at health posts was 59.6%, with a 95% CI (58.9%, 60.3%). Bin cards were available at 43% (95% CI [40%, 46%]) of health posts, and among these, only 27.5% of the health posts adequately used the bin cards.


The absence and poor use of LMIS tools was observed at health posts. Proper implementation of the LMIS has the potential to improve the availability of essential drugs that, in turn, improve health post level delivery of health services.

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