Ethiop. j. health sci. (Online); 33 (2 Special Issue), 2023
Publication year: 2023
The emergence of COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the supply chain and stock of medicines and drugs across the globe. Tracer drugs are essential medicines that address the population’s priority health problems. Thus, this study aimed to assess availability of tracer drugs and basic diagnostics at public primary health care facilities in Ethiopia. METHODS:
Facility based cross-sectional study was employed in four regions and one city administration. The primary health care units (PHCUs) were purposively selected in consultation with respective regional health bureaus. Finally, 16 hospitals, 92 health centers and 344 health posts were included. This study adopted WHO’s tool that was being used to rapidly assess the capacity of health facilities to maintain the provision of essential health services during the COVID-19. Descriptive analysis was done using frequency and percentage, and results were presented. RESULTS:
The overall mean availability of tracer drugs in PHCUs was 77.6%. Only 2.8% of PHCUs have all tracer drugs. The mean availability of basic diagnostic at national level was 86.6% in PHUs except health posts where it was less. Health facilities with all basic diagnostic services was 53.7%. Of the total 344 health posts assessed, 71% were providing diagnostic testing for malaria using either laboratory equipment or rapid diagnostic test (RDT) while 43% provide urine test for the pregnancy. Conclusion:
This study shows availability of all tracer drugs in PHCUs in Ethiopia was extremely low. There was regional variation in availability of tracer drugs and basic diagnostics. It is very crucial to increase availability of tracer drugs and diagnostics. Drugs and diagnostic materials should be supplied according to the capacity and location of health facilities.