Health information literacy and health informatics: imperatives for medical librarians and healthcare practitioners

Journal of Health Information and Librarianship; 6 (1), 2023
Publication year: 2023

Health informatics,also known as healthcare informatics or biomedical informatics, is a multidisciplinary field that focuses on the scientific study and practice of managing health data. In this paper authors have conceptualized health information literacyand health informatics.

Discourses include:

the role of medical libraries and medical librarians, Electronic Health Systems including Health Information Systems, Electronic Medical Record (EMR). Also, Medical Data Management, its benefits and challenges were also highlighted. Health information literature is also reviewed. The authors concluded by reiterating the importance of health information literacy, health informatics and its technological applications and the need for librarians and medical practitioners in the healthcare environments to acquire the requisite knowledge, skills and technologies that could enhance health information services delivery on the part of the librarians and healthcare services delivery on the part of the health practitioners

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