Kenya nutrition monitoring and evaluation
Publication year: 2020
Kenya is facing a triple burden of malnutrition in the form of under nutrition, micronutrient deficiencies and over-nutrition. The Ministry of Health in collaboration with stakeholders developed the Kenya Nutrition Action Plan (KNAP) 2018-2022. The overarching objective of the plan is accelerating and scaling up efforts towards the elimination of malnutrition in Kenya in line with Kenya’s Vision 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with focus on specific achievements by 2022. The action plan is organized into three category focus areas namely; Nutrition-specific and Nutrition-sensitive Interventions and, Enabling Environment. The Kenya Nutrition Monitoring and Evaluation Framework 2018-2022 has been developed to align with the needs of the Kenya Nutrition Action Plan 2018-2022. A review of the Nutrition Monitoring and Evaluation Framework 2013 and other relevant documents was conducted to inform the development of this framework. The development was conducted through a consultative process involving deliberations by task teams, stakeholder consultations, and online survey and review and validation workshops. The rationale of this framework is to ensure continuous tracking of progress, document lessons learned and replicate best practices of nutrition interventions as outlined in the KNAP 2018-2022. It highlights the goal and the objectives and the guiding principles which are expected to ensure a systematic implementation of the monitoring and evaluation framework. The framework describes the basic principles of Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) the sources of nutrition information and data analysis and reporting. In addition, the Nutrition Information System monitoring toolkit repository comprising of a variety of guidelines, training packages, tools for data collection and guidance on data analysis and reporting for different sources of information has been developed to provide ease of accessibility to these tools and documents. The framework also covers the Common Results and Accountability Framework (CRAF) for the 19 Key Result Areas (KRAs) and elaborates the process of Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning. The key result areas are categorized into nutrition specific, nutrition sensitive and enabling environment with their indicators, definitions, thresholds, means of verification, frequency of reporting and operational research to be conducted. The indicators will be measured and reported through existing systems such as Kenya Health Information System (KHIS), the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) early warning system, program reports and population-based surveys. Reporting and communication of results will adhere to standard guidelines and use effective communication channels to ensure improved uptake of findings. Evaluation and operational research will be implemented to provide evidence for informing programme decisions that lead to effective coverage of interventions. Finally, accountability will be mainstreamed to ensure service providers or duty bearers are accountable for resources and results. Learning and application of best practices will contribute to adaptation of approaches that are known to produce results. The actualization of the M&E Framework will help build a chain of evidence that will provide the metrics of change. The burden of proof lies with the various stakeholders whose responsibility is to demonstrate that the commitment made in the KNAP 2018-2022 shall indeed be realized and that there is evidence to back up the claim of progress. The implementation strategy therefore shall be driven by human resource development and system readiness and funding mechanisms that will boost M&E human resource and systems at National and County levels