Interim guidelines for home-based isolation & care of confirmed COVID-19 cases
Publication year: 2021
Homebased care for suspected or confirmed COVID -19 patients is the holistic and integrated care provided for asymptomatic and symptomatic confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the comfort of their homes. It encompasses biomedical, physical, psychosocial, palliative, and other aspects of care provided by patients, family members, community volunteers and /or healthcare workers under the supervision of a treatment centre with appropriate facilities for evaluation when necessary.
As majority of patients are asymptomatic or mild and require minimal interventions for care, the home is an ideal place to manage such patients in a cost-effective manner with satisfactory outcomes. This allows the focus of institutional care to the management of moderate to severe cases.
Patients who meet the criteria for home- based isolation and care after assessment of clinical risk, home risk, Infection Prevention and Control, adherence to guidelines, waste management and other factor are enrolled into a specific home- based care team attached to an isolation/treatment centre for supportive care. They are followed up to discharge after a minimum of 10 days after exposure, confirmation of test positivity, or onset of symptoms. The frequency of follow up is mainly based on the clinical risk assessment. Patients whose clinical risk or condition deteriorate are evacuated preferably to their supervising treatment centre. Specific roles of all stakeholders and personnel are clearly delineated with protocols and procedures for data management also well spelt out.
Ultimately, it is envisaged that this revision of the home -based care guideline for management of asymptomatic and mild suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 would ensure efficient and effective management of covid-19 patients in their home with improved outcomes.