Results: 109

Talla final en pacientes transplantados renales bajo tratamiento con hormona de crecimiento

Med. infant; 17 (2), 2010
El retardo de crecimiento es un importante problema clínico aun no resuelto ni correctamente manejado en niños con insuficiencia renal crónica (IRC). La optimización de todos los parámetros metabólicos y nutricionales no siempre lleva a una mejoría del crecimiento en estos pacientes. Desde hace ap...

Saberes previos y adherencia terapéutica en hipertensión
Prior knowledge and therapeutic adherence in hypertension

Objetivos: Conocer los saberes previos de la población sobre hipertensión arterial y creencias culturales en torno a la terapia antihipertensiva. Explorar los factores asociados a la adherencia terapéutica en la HTA y comparar saberes y valoraciones acerca de la hipertensión entre médicos y paciente...

Guias para el manejo de las infecciones osteoarticulares por Staphylococcus meticilino-resistente
[Guidelines for the management of bone and joint infections due to methicillin resistant staphylococci]

Medicina (B.Aires); 62 Suppl 2 (), 2002
Bone and joint infections are a group of complicated diseases with high morbidity. Emerging resistant microorganisms and the use of prosthetic devices have increased the difficulty in the medical treatment of patients. The purpose of these guidelines is to offer information on the management of bone and ...

Effect of Lactobacillus strains (L. casei and L. Acidophillus Strains cerela) on bacterial overgrowth-related chronic diarrhea

Medicina (B.Aires); 62 (2), 2002
Small bowel bacterial overgrowth and related diarrhea is a condition that frequently accompanies anatomic disorders, surgically created blind loops or strictures with partial small bowel obstruction and although it is often controlled with antimicrobial therapy, alternative treatment may be needed. The a...

Relationship between diversity of hepatitis C quasispecies and histological severity of liver disease

Medicina (B.Aires); 60 (5/1), 2000
The aim of this work to assess in the diversity of hepatitis C virus (HCV) quasispecies is related to histological severity and duration of infection in a cohort of untreated patients with an estimated onset of the disease. A total of 27 patients with diagnosis of chronic liver disease and history of blo...

Contribucion clínica de las nuevas fluoroquinolonas en las exacerbaciones agudas de la bronquitis crónica
[Clinical contribution of the newer fluoroquinolones in acute bacterial exacerbation of chronic bronchitis]

Medicina (B.Aires); 59 Suppl 1 (), 1999
Acute exacerbations occur frequently in patients with chronic bronchitis and the majority of these patients benefit from antimicrobial therapy. The ideal antimicrobial agent for the management of acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis (AECB) should have good activity against the common bacterial patho...

Infeccion por HIV en una paciente con Lupus Cutáneo Crónico
HIV infection in a patient with chronic cutaneous lupus

Medicina (B.Aires); 51 (6), 1991
We present a case of chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CCLE) in a patient who subsequently became infected with human immunodeficiency virus, HIV-1. The symptoms attributed to CCLE had persisted for years, and curiously had disappeared by the time the patient probably became infected with HIV-1. Eve...