El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar si la incidencia de cáncer ocurrida en las áreas cercanas al
Polo Petroquímico fue mayor a la observada en el resto de la ciudad de Bahía Blanca. En mayo de 2005, debido a temores expresados por los vecinos de dichas áreas, nuestro Registro de Tumore...
El Registro de Cáncer de Bahía Blanca abarcaba
históricamente los 15 partidos de la Región Sanitaria I, con
una población, según el Censo del 2001, de 627.507
habitantes. Por razones económicas durante el último periodo,
y a pesar de nuestro gran esfuerzo, sólo hemos podido
recolectar, controlar...
Inverted papilomas are rare urotelial neoformations, which account for 2.2% to 4.5% of urotelial neoplasms (benign or malignant). Most of them have vesical location, namely on the trigonal area, although there are cases which have been described along the whole of the urinary excretory system. In spite o...
Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (PETs) are rare. The vast majority are functional (70-85%), generally small (< 2 cm) and symptomatic due to elevated hormone production. Nonfunctional pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (nPETs) usually produce symptoms based on their size and similarity to pancreatic adenoc...
Myeloid sarcomas, defined in WHO’s Classification of Tumors of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues, are extramedullary tumors of granulocytic lineage formerly known as granulocytic sarcomas, chloromas or extramedullary leukemic tumors. Myeloid sarcomas occurred in 1.5-3% of patients with acute myeloid ...
Small cell carcinoma comprises 0.5%-0.7% of the total amount of malignant tumors from the urinary bladder. There are three main theories regarding its histogenesis: derivation from some particular neuroendocrine cells; metaplasia which starts from other high-grade malignant neoplasms; or stem cells origi...
Anorexia-cachexia syndrome is highly prevalent among cancer patients, it impacts on morbidity and mortality, and impinges on quality of life. Anorexia is defined as the loss of the desire to, while cachexia defines the progressive wasting of skeletal muscle mass and adipose tissue. The pathogenesis of an...
Fluoroquinolones have been studied extensively as prophylaxis in neutropenic cancer patients. Their efficacy has been reviewed in several meta-analyses. As yet, there is no question that prophylaxis with fluoroquinolones has led to a decrease in the occurrence of gram-negative infections in neutropenic p...
Lung cancer is the most lethal malignant neoplasm worldwide. Screening programs using sputum cytology and chest radiography that have been carried out along these past decades have failed to demonstrate any reduction of the mortality rate due to lung cancer. Nowadays, advances in new forms of technology ...