El carcinoma de la vesícula biliar sigue siendo una enfermedad infrecuente a pesar del notorio incremento de la
patología del órgano en los últimos veinte años. En nuestro servicio fueron intervenidos 4.023 pacientes por afecciones de la vesícula biliar, con una incidencia del 0,22% inferior a la b...
Si bien la forma de presentación del CDT es más agresiva
en la edad pediátrica que en los adultos, la tasa de sobrevida es superior al 90%.Objetivo: analizar retrospectivamente las características clínico-patológicas,la evolución
y los factores pronósticos en pacientes prepuberales (PP)
y puberal...
Inverted papilomas are rare urotelial neoformations, which account for 2.2% to 4.5% of urotelial neoplasms (benign or malignant). Most of them have vesical location, namely on the trigonal area, although there are cases which have been described along the whole of the urinary excretory system. In spite o...
Myeloid sarcomas, defined in WHO’s Classification of Tumors of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues, are extramedullary tumors of granulocytic lineage formerly known as granulocytic sarcomas, chloromas or extramedullary leukemic tumors. Myeloid sarcomas occurred in 1.5-3% of patients with acute myeloid ...
Small cell carcinoma comprises 0.5%-0.7% of the total amount of malignant tumors from the urinary bladder. There are three main theories regarding its histogenesis: derivation from some particular neuroendocrine cells; metaplasia which starts from other high-grade malignant neoplasms; or stem cells origi...
A variety of gross, histological and cytological features were analyzed in a comparative study between adenomas and carcinomas of the parathyroid gland. The histological findings more valuable in the differential diagnosis of parathyroid carcinoma were the presence of a thick and irregular capsule infilt...