Results: 18

Raloxifene neutralizes bone brittleness induced by anti-remodeling treatment and increases fatigue life through non-cell mediated mechanisms

Actual. osteol; 12 (3), 2016
Pre-clinical data have shown that tissue level effects stemming from bisphosphonateinduced suppression of bone remodeling can result in bone that is stronger yet more brittle. Raloxifene has been shown to reduce bone brittleness through non-cellular mechanisms. The goal of this work was to test the hypot...

Efecto de la yerba mate (ilex paraguariensis) sobre el hueso de ratas ovariectomizadas
Effect of yerba mate (ilex paraguariensis) on bone in ovariectomized rats

Actual. osteol; 12 (3), 2016
El consumo de yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) es habitual en la Argentina y otros países de América del Sur. La yerba mate, al igual que el café y el té, contiene xantinas y polifenoles. El consumo de café ha mostrado tener impacto negativo sobre la densidad mineral ósea (DMO), mientras que el té...