Cleft lip and palate are the most frequent craniofacial malformations in the in human species. The rehabilitation process for individuals with cleft lip and palate is often long and requires several surgical procedures. Almost always, these surgeries are are performed with the use of antibiotic prophylax...
This article details the treatment of lymphangioma of the face with intralesional bleomycin: with a case report and literature review. Surgical treatment of lymphangioma of the face is a difficult task to achieve, due to close vicinity of the lesion to the facial nerve and possibility of scar tissue form...
La leucemia aguda ha sido reconocida como una enfermedad compleja y rápidamente fatal desde su primera descripción hace 150 años. Librada a su historia natural, la leucemia mieloide aguda lleva a la muerte en pocos meses. Las infecciones son la principal causa d...
Introducción: La histerectomía es uno de los procedimientos quirúrgicos que con más frecuencia se realiza en Ginecología. La frecuencia de aparición de absceso de cúpula varía desde un 0,7% a un 14%. La infección generalmente es polimicrobiana y los gérmenes implicados son los de la flora vagin...
Fluoroquinolones have been studied extensively as prophylaxis in neutropenic cancer patients. Their efficacy has been reviewed in several meta-analyses. As yet, there is no question that prophylaxis with fluoroquinolones has led to a decrease in the occurrence of gram-negative infections in neutropenic p...
Antibiotic prophylaxis has become a standard of care in all surgical categories, since its impact in reducing the incidence of post-operative infections has now been well established. Antibiotic prophylaxis should target expected pathogens. Glycopeptide-based regimens have been considered a choice for su...