Results: 344

Salud respiratoria y del sueño infantil tras una amniocentesis en el segundo trimestre

Arch. argent. pediatr; 117 (6), 2019
Objetivo. Investigar las tasas de trastornos respiratorios y del sueño en los niños cuyas madres se sometieron a una amniocentesis. Materiales y métodos. Se incluyó a niños cuyas madres se sometieron a una amniocentesis en el segundo trimestre (entre las 16 y las 20 semanas) y otros sin procedimien...

Morbidity features in newborns born with extremely low and very low body wight and left without parental care

Prensa méd. argent; 105 (9 especial), 2019
Mothers increasingly mention poor health of the newborn child as the reason for abandoning the child. One of the factors causing the unsatisfactory state of the child’s health is the child’s premature birth, a little or long before the due date. According to the data of most developed countries of th...

Rol de la laparoscopía diagnóstica en un departamento de emergencia
Importance of the diagnostic laparoscopy in an urgency care department

Prensa méd. argent; 105 (10), 2019
Diagnostic laparoscopy is a surgical diagnostic procedure used to examine the organs inside the abdomen by mean of an optic fiber. The patient with acute abdominal pain and with a not clearly etiology, can represent a great challenge at the moment to perform a definitive diagnosis at urgency. The paracli...

Características clínicas de pacientes pediátricos internados por Influenza A: comparación de dos subtipos virales (H1N1) y (H3N2)

Prensa méd. argent; 105 (6), 2019
Influenza is a respiratory disease ocasionated by influenza virus A and B. Is a disease with high morbi-mortality world-wide. Influenza produces an acute febrile respiratory illness with cough, headache and myalgias for 3-4 days, with simptoms that may persist for as long as 2 weeks. There are three type...

Compromiso cardiaco en pacientes con Mucopolisacaridosis tipo II (Enfermedad De Hunter)

Prensa méd. argent; 105 (6), 2019
This report describes the cardiac involvement of patients with mucopolysaccharidoses Type II (Hunter disease). Mucopolysaccharidoses Type II are an uncommon group of about 50 rare inherited metabolic disorders, that result from defects in lysosomal dysfunction, usually as a consequence of deficiency of a...

Intervenciones diagnósticas prenatales en un hospital público

Prensa méd. argent; 105 (6), 2019
The authors present a study of prenatal diagnostic interventions in a public hospital. The invasive prenatal diagnosis can be achieved by means of threee methods, aspirative punction of chorionic villous, extraction of amniotic fluid and fetal blood sample. Samples of chorionic villus are empoyed for cit...

Sindrome de corazón izquierdo hipoplásico: análisis de las características de una población en un hospital público

Prensa méd. argent; 105 (6), 2019
The authors present a study on prenatal diagnosis of hipoplastic left heart syndrome, and an analysis of the characteristics of a population in a public hospital. The hypoplastic left heart syndrome, and an analysis of the characteristics of a population in a public hospital. The hypoplastic left heart s...

Experiencia en la colocación del DIUPP

Prensa méd. argent; 105 (6), 2019
Family planning is a key intervention to decrease the mortality rates and maternal morbidity, and neonatal mortality rates of children by mean of the preventiion of unwanted pregnancies, the same as pregnancies that happen very clsely to another previous one with little space between them. Several studie...

Elaboración de criterios epidemiológicos para estratificar por departamento poblacional de dengue grave

: INTRODUCCIÓN: En Argentina desde 1998 ocurrieron brotes de dengue todos los años excepto 2001 y 2005 en diferentes áreas, en 15 jurisdicciones, con identificación de los 4 serotipos. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar poblaciones con mayor riesgo de desarrollar formas graves de la enfermed...

Evaluation of Prevalence of Changes in Thyroid Functional Tests in Mole Hydatiforme

Prensa méd. argent; 105 (5), 2019
Introduction: Mole hydatiforme is the most common type of gestational trophoblast disease (GTI) and the aim of this study, is evaluation the frequency of changes in thyroid function test in mole hydatidiform patients. Materials and Methods: In this retrospective study, 63 patients with mole hydatidiform ...