Aims: To study the risk factors associated with Escherichia coli vaginal colonization in two population groups that attended primary health care centers. Study groups and methods: One thousand thirty women with active sexual life and vaginitis diagnosis were studied. The study population was divided in t...
Introducción: El angor en pacientes con coronarias normales es una patología cada vez más frecuentemente diagnosticada en Unidades Coronarias.
Objetivos: a) describir la frecuencia de distintos tipos de características sociodemográficas, factores de riesgo cardiovasculares y antecedentes de enferme...
The focus of the study of minimal residual disease (MRD) is to redefine the concept of remission by using more sensitive molecular techniques to detect level of disease burden below that of conventional pathology. The detection of the chimeric bcr-abl mRNA transcript in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is ...
Red blood cell (RBC) aggregation has been widely studied and its importance is well established in the rheology of microcirculation. RBC aggregation is a major factor responsible for the flow properties of blood. Increased RBC aggregation has been observed in several pathological states. Therefore, the m...
En la neumonía adquirida en la comunidad (NAC), al momento del diagnóstico el microorganismo responsable es desconocido, por lo cual el tratamiento es empírico, basado en el cuadro clínico y el o los presuntos agentes causales. La internación es una decisión trascendente en los pacientes con NAC. D...
In order to understand the role of trovafloxacin in the treatment of nosocomial pneumonia, the nature and characteristics of this infection have to be first reviewed. During the first part of this revision the principal aspects of the epidemiology are reviewed, some concepts which take part in the pathog...