Results: 24

Overweight and Obesity in Southern Italy: their association with social and life-style characteristics and their effect on levels of biologic markers
Overweight and Obesity in Southern Italy: their association with social and life-style characteristics and their effect on levels of biologic markers.

BACKGROUND: In the last decades, overweight and obesity have been transformed from minor public health issues to a major threat to public health affecting the most affluent societies and also the less developed ones. OBJECTIVES: To estimate overweight-obesity prevalence in adults, their association with ...

El control de la glucemia en la palma de la mano causa menos dolor con igual precisión

Self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) has been playing an important role in diabetes management. However, there are still some barriers that make patients retreat from adopting SMBG. Among them, fear of pain caused by measurement is the greatest. Although fingertip capillary blood has been long used fo...

Aspectos clínicos y humorales de comienzo en la diabetes infantil
Clinical and humoral aspects at onset in childhood diabetes

Arch. argent. pediatr; 68 (1), 1970
Se comentan 5 casos cuyo estudio demuestra la forma gradual de instalación de la diabetes en estos niños. Los exámenes bioquímicos señalan una disminución progresiva de la capacidad de reserva del páncreas. Cuando la alteración metabólica a que da origen alcanza una determinada significación, s...