Results: 25

Suicidio infanto-juvenil en el departamento de yavi: hacia un enfoque intercultural en salud mental para su abordaje
Child and adolescent suicide in the department of yavi: towards an intercultural approach in mental health

INTRODUCCIÓN En Argentina se ha registrado un aumento significativo en las tasas de suicidio del grupo etario de 10 a 24 años (6,1 cada 100 000 habitantes). Una de las provincias más afectadas por esta problemática es Jujuy, que en 2008-2010 alcanzó una tasa de 31,8 cada 100 000 habitantes. Se trata...

Riesgo y suicidio en sistemas de puertas abiertas. Responsabilidad civil y aspectos médico legales
[Risk and suicide in open door institutions. Liability and phorensic issues].

Suicide is a complex issue and a source of discussion between different disciplines. Suicide assessment and management research had received a huge attention in the field. Argentina has a legal framework focused on protecting human rights. Malpractice and liability discussion is offered in cases of suici...

El suicidio de un paciente. Impacto en el psiquiatra
[A patient’s suicide. The psychiatrist’s impact].

The clinical work of the psychiatrist often faces him to people who openly talk about their wish to die. However, although such thoughts did not culminate in most cases, unfortunately statistics show that suicide is a concrete possibility, more frequent than suspected. Globally, a million people die by s...