Results: 53


Introducción. El asma bronquial es una enfermedad inflamatoria crónica de las vías respiratorias. La reversibilidad de sus síntomas es su característica. La carga epigenética es un factor importante. Las estadísticas de mortalidad son una fuente importante de información para la salud ya que nos ...

Síndrome bronquial obstructivo recurrente: área operativa noreste, sistema provincial de salud de Tucumán
Recurrent bronchial obstructive syndrome: northeast area of provincial health system, Tucumán

INTRODUCCIÓN El síndrome bronquial obstructivo (SBO) puede presentarse en forma recidivante, síndrome bronquial obstructivo recurrente (SBOR), constituyendo una patología crónica. OBJETIVOS Determinar la prevalencia y características de la población con SBOR menor de 5 años en 2014, tomando la un...

Relación entre rinitis y asma: ¿esta todo dicho?
[The relationship between rhinitis and asthma: is that all?].

The link between upper and lower airways has been observed in the past, but only carefully investigated during the last years. Allergic rhinitis and asthma are often comorbid conditions. Its relationship is supported by epidemiological, anatomical and physiological, immunopathological, clinical and thera...

Perfil clínico e imunológico das manifestações alérgicas respiratórias em pacientes infectados com HTLV-1

Objective: To review the main characteristics of HTLV-1 infection and its influence upon the immune response type 2 in atopic individuals. Methods: This review was made by means of bibliographic rising of data files obtained through Medline and Lilacs from 1980 to 2005. Results: The HTLV-1 is a retroviru...

Asociación entre exposición a polvo de soja, sensibilidad alérgica y perfil de síntomas respiratorios
[Association between soybean dust exposure, allergic sensitivity and profile of respiratory symptoms]

Medicina (B.Aires); 61 (1), 2001
The purpose of this study was to correlate soybean dust (SD) exposure, skin reactivity to soybean hull (SH) allergens, and symptoms of asthma and/or allergic rhinitis. A group of 365 subjects with asthma and/or allergic rhinitis and a control group of 50 individuals without respiratory symptoms were stud...